Monday, April 06, 2009

The Blessings Continue

I found out this morning that my Bachelor +15 classification should result in a pay raise! AND, it should also mean a back-pay check to the effective date of my new WVDE credential! Wow! that is good news.

I still have a ways to go on my Multi-Categorical Certification and Masters Degree, but the long journey is progressing!

God is good to me in ways I could not begin to deserve. Chief among them is my wonderful wife who poured so much of herself into making my 40th birthday unforgettable. She is the joy in and love of my life!!! She has been so patient while I have been away in night courses or summer school and I want this new chapter of my life to bring her joy and return on her investment and sacrifice.

Lisa is the best and deserves the best in return!

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