Sunday, June 28, 2009

How Does Your OBAMA Garden Grow?

We planted an Obama garden to help us during these economic hard times. There is a recession on and I've got to do for me and mine...

Well, the 8 cabbages are heading in the right direction. 2 of 6 peppers have pooped out. 2.267 rows of carrots are doing fine, the rest never even started. Tiny tomatoes are trepadaciously trying out on our four plants. The green beans are running up their strings. The onions (that's pronounced on-yons) are green and growing. Four rows of corn are popping up nicely. The strawberry and cantelope are living but not budding, yet.

The grape is even leafing out better than it has since I transferred it from Grandpa Andy's.

We water them, train or tie them to supports, weed them and hoe around them frequently. Whenever I do I think of my Papa (pronounced on Blue Creek "Pop-All") and pray that somehow his work ethic, humility, patience and gentleness that must reside in my DNA would rise up. I am all too aware of my impatience, self-importance, sterness and idleness these days.

Like my little garden, my heart and mind seem more suited for wild, uninvited growth. Without daily tending, my life is reclaimed by wilderness from which God has cleared me. In this fallen place, brush and bad grow with less effort than vineyards and virtue. Both my heart and the very ground I walk on cry out for the deliverance to come at His Appearing.

The ground or the gardener are not as good as Grandpa's, but all in all, things are looking up in our little, square-foot Obama garden...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The girls was out there tonight working with papaw on his OBAMA Garden..they love wroking outside with their papaw...we all need a little work on the things you listed..I really enjoy reading your blog..