Friday, March 30, 2012

Lord, Throughout These Forty Days...38

Jesus fasted forty days. Those of us who call ourselves Christ-followers fast, too. Bearing His name implies imitating His behaviors as well as trusting to His mercy and grace.

Jesus literally went without food during His forty days. Two other men are recorded practicing total abstinence from food: Moses and Elijah.The work of God in establishing the Law, the Prophets and the New Covenant all proceed from a season of intense fasting. Fasting proves a prerequisite for these major new stages in His-Story (Bob Black-ism.)

When the first church began, it too was preceeded by a season of intense prayer. The first followers held up in the upper room prayerfully waiting the Gift, the Holy Spirit. The miraculous response of 3000 to the Gospel that day grows out of that season.

I am challenged today to think about my prayer life. How intense? How specific? How integrated? Do I just say words or do I lay everything aside in pursuit of an answer from God? Are my prayers ineffectual and powerless due to so little intentionality and fervor?

The very Son of God did not begin His life's work without FIRST being lead by the Spirit to seek the Father's will and power. To my shame, I see too many sermon series planned and preached and prayed for later. I see too often I set in motion activity and then pray for blessing.

Lord, forgive my lack of prayer priority, my weak work, my lukewarm lack of intensity.

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