Friday, May 14, 2010

Fruit in the Harvest

We are seeing fruit from our patient planting, watering and tending here at Faith Community. Among the new life is a revamped worship team. Tim now is the worship planner/leader. Phil stepped up a month ago and now is setting down our beat on the drums. Terry has been freed up by that to sing more lead and play his guitar every song. I am settling into the role of bass-master.

Secondly, Michael has agreed to be our delegate to Power/Conference. This is also a breathe of fresh air in that we received 4 new covenant members this year and our leadership base is growing. I'm sure more developments of these up and coming leaders will deepen our impact and broaden our scope of ministry.

Folks are stepping up to help with yard work, janitorial services and general care for our meeting place. They are taking ownership in "their" church home. It is encouraging to see the served transition into the servants!

Lastly, our faithful few are graciously stepping aside so there is room for folks to fit. I cannot begin to thank these tireless heros for such sacrificial service. Yet I am even more thankful for their generous spirit and encouragement to plug new servants into the work. Not every place would the veterans be so willing and helpful in releasing new folks into their "old jobs."

Faithfulness and fruitfulness are both marks of success in the kingdom. They are the two sides to the ministry coin. Thank God that we are currently experiencing both!

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