Wednesday, April 01, 2009

April Blog Challenge

Today is the first day of April -- April Fool's Day.

In times past, Lis and I have used this day to announce the secret name of our children and other nifty pranks.

But my announcement today is no joke, no prank.

I am challenging myself to post every day of this 30-day month. I have never been consistent with the postings here, let alone made it for a solid period of time longer than a week. But I want to make better use of my time and spend more reflecting.

It is the time for reflections. Friday I cross a threshold into mid-life. I will mark my FORTIETH birthday -- the big 4-0! I have not accomplished all I had dreamed in boyhood but I have experienced more than boys can dream. I have spent much too long on life's treadmill of mediocracy and I have made marked progress as well. I have rested too long on potential and gifts.

I want the next phase of life to be full and productive. So I am challenging myself to live up to potential, to exercise the gifts God has granted and see what might come of it. I feel a pull toward intentionality.

So tune in dear reader and see if I can, with God's grace, the love of my good woman and kids, meet this first challenge and follow through.

1 comment:

The Momma said...

Yay! I love to read your posts!