Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Binkys and Tennis Shoes

Being a parent is a tightrope walk of balancing rules and relationships. There has to be norms for any society to function. A family must have such structure. And children need to learn some of life's basic principles so they can function effectively as adults, some day.

Yet mercy overrules law. Just a look or and indication that the heart was in the right place though the actions violated a norm at times vetos rule-breaking/consequence thinking. Take Monkey see, Monkey do for example. Clearly the boy's heart was in the right place although the Windex wasn't!

Well, this morning we were having a DEF-COM LEVEL 5 situation. Eli was crying, refusing to wear his tennis shoes. He wanted Daddy shoes. Sister was crying. She needed a binky. I wanted to cry. I think even Momma wanted to cry, too. The departure for schools was being delayed.

We usually don't send Jilli out the door with a binky. I usually wear brown dress shoes with professional pants and shirt. But when we left the house, Sis had a binky firmly escounced in her now quiet mouth and Eli was happily skipping along in his tennis shoes. I was hansomely attired in a pair of tan pants, blue striped button-down, blue and tan striped tie and WHITE tennis shoes!

Boy...the delicate balance is hard to find!

1 comment:

The Momma said...

There is NO ONE else and I mean NO ONE else I would want to even try to find balance with!

BTW, I thought you looked cute in your tennis shoes!